Saturday, March 28, 2009

My Hero

Years ago I read about this Christian woman in Africa that felt called to love the people in the villages by pouring out her love in service to them. This man had AIDS and no way to get to the clinic to be treated. She didn't wait for someone to donate a car or send a cab into the out bush. She just carried him. The thing that I find so stunning is that he let her. Sometimes we carry others to work out our salvation and sometimes we need to be humble enough to be carried and in the journey we are both healed.


  1. thanks for carrying me, salvation sister, over so many hills and through many valleys in life. you are such a gift too!!!!! love ya!

  2. Ohhhhhhh my, what a tear jerker! She is just so strong, and willing to do whatever it takes.
    He is filled with dignity, with his best clothes on and allowing her to be in charge. Reminds me of what our Dad allowed us to do to help him. I knew when Daddy was really sick, was when he went to the hospital and didn't change into his button down shirt, nice pants, loafers, and hair combed.
    Love you
