Monday, June 13, 2011

Sick Leave

Sorry for the abrupt departure.  My mother got sick (Well, she had to have a hip replacement) and I had to leave.
We are not out of the woods yet but she is on the mend physically and trying very hard to stay mentally upbeat. 
I've had some old fashioned sayings running through my mind as we've navigated this trial.

1.  "It's a jungle in there."  Health care is a maze.  You better have someone with a backbone and a smidgen of common sense sitting in that pleather recliner if you ever find yourself in a hospital gown.  I had to refuse several tests that were ordered by vigilante specialists who didn't read the chart, talk to the patient to get background or slow down long enough to get the big picture.

2.  "When the house is on fire it's no time to rearrange the furniture."  Crisis' bring out the best and worst in the family affected.  My  friend the head chaplain told me that dysfunction is magnified 10 fold in a medical crisis. ( I know he understood who he was talking to because he remembered my bringing  a floor lamp when my son had surgery. I don't like the lighting in hospital rooms.)  We are no different.
3.  "There is nothing like an old friend."  My girlfriend for life Linda has opened up her beautiful home for me to stay at and I have had a respite in the midst of a frenzied time.  She even leaves the light on for me.

4. "When all else fails -- pray."  A shoulder to cry on, a cheerie voice mail , E-mail or a sweet card in the mail are welcomed during a time like this but there is nothing like that friend who grabs your hand and says; "Let's pray"  then proceeds to  pray words you can't even form in your own mind and your heart rests.
Would you please continue to pray for us? 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, dear girl, I'll pray for you and your mom. How wonderful that you have a friend to stay with and pray with.
    love, Dawne
