I'm not a morning person. The longest trek of the day is the one where I stagger from my bed to the kitchen and feebly cobble together a cup of adrenalin -- in the form of a cup of tea.
I've heard of husbands who greet their wives each morning with a delivered beverage to their pillow-haven but after 19 years of squinting my eyes to see that long shadow come around the bend I have realized it ain't gonna happen here.
Not that I really want it to happen because I don't even know my name for at least 30 minutes and Joe wakes up singing the sound track to "The Sound of Music." Somehow I'm afraid there could be an incident involving a pot of tea, a cheerful husband, that mace canister someone gave me for Christmas in 1985 and a local headline.
But today is a new day. God bless America and God bless Wal-Mart!
Last week I found a tiny 4 cup coffee (or in my case tea) maker with a timer built in for $14.00.
Now each morning the stagger distance has been reduced to 3 feet where I am met by a pot of freshly brewed tea.
Bliss and "Hello" streaming consciousness.
Now by the time Joe launches into "I am sixteen going on seventeen" I just might be joining in -- or not.