Friday, January 14, 2011

Pat Down

Yesterday when I visited my Mother she told me her nurse is really good. 
Why do you think so, I asked.
Because she patted me when she talked to me Mother replied.
We all need to be touched.
Babies lose the desire to thrive when they don't get touched in a loving manner.
I guess we never really get past that.
When I was newly divorced and found myself the Director of Volunteers at Baptist Hospital I assessed early on that the majority of volunteers were widows. 
We were a huggin' machine.
I thought it was a gift I could give them but as you know it ended up being just the therapy I needed in my newly single state of confusion.
None of us had imagined ourselves suddenly single at this time in our lives. (Well, except that one volunteer who had weathered marriage to a man meaner than a snake. We could hardly slap the smile off her face.  Another post another day)
Grady Nutt wrote a chapter titled "Hugs Lifted Me" in his book .  Sing it to the tune of "Love Lifted Me." 
"When nothing else could help ------- Hugs Lifted Me!"

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