Friday, August 26, 2011

Knee Replacement

It occurred to me today that I'm in need of knee replacements.  They just don't bend like they used to.  When I was a new Christian -- or even as (not so) far back as my latest crisis -- those knees bent down to the floor just fine.
"Oh, Father hear my prayers" I would say as I hit the floor kneeling. 
My understanding is that it is painful surgery -- this knee replacement. The incision goes in through my heart.   There is no guarantee of the outcome and the cost may be a limp for the rest of my days on earth.
Oh, but I need that procedure.  The pain of this stiff neck is just more than I can bear.


  1. On our knees before GOD.

    I think we all need that surgery.
    Hope your Mom is doing well!


  2. Well, I've bit the bullet - and am having my right knee, total replacement on Nov. 7th - so maybe then I can get down on one knee!!

    Love and miss you and papa Joe!
