I was speaking to a professional group in San Francisco several years ago on my topic of "Funny Business -- Humor for the Workplace." I'd given it my all and relished the opportunity to retell some of the funny experiences of my personal and work life.
After I concluded, the regular group of attendees came up to me to:1. Tell me I look exactly like their Aunt Flossey -- I wouldn't believe it!
2. Tell me their funny stories (Some of which were so hilarious that they sometimes slipped into my future talks)
3. Thank me for reminding them of what they already knew but in the pressure cooker of daily life had forgotten.
I still remember the kind and patient woman who waited to give me a gift. The gift of her perspective. She explained to me that her dear husband had died suddenly a year earlier and went on to say; "Nothing is funny to me yet. But each night when I say my prayers I ask God -- Lord teach me to laugh again but don't ever let me forget that I cried."
That's a pretty groovy suitcase