Friday, April 24, 2009

Pardon Me, May I bother You for Just a Little Estrogen?

Fair warning - if you are under fifty years of age you might be tempted to spiritualize my condition. I'm here to tell you Sister "Be careful if you think you stand... lest you fall victim to menopause." (NSV -- new suzanne version)
I feel like I've spent the greater portion of my life as the foil of hormones. I'm not the woman I used to be and she wasn't all that great.
Too hot -- too cold. Wound up -- wound down. Bossy -- bossier.
My friend Becki and I talked today and decided that this was not supposed to happen to us! We were the cool ones. We know all five verses to Amazing Grace. (Even that new one they tucked in there a few years ago to make the Baptists look down at the hymnal) And stilllllllllllllll we are showing up with symptoms that correspond to the McCall's magazine Seniors chart.
I am encouraged to know that this life and this flimsy body are not all there is to me. My confidence and security are in knowing that -- God loves me and has a wonderful plan for my life. It was true the first time I read the four spiritual laws at 22 and it is even more real to me after these many years of watching Him work -- in spite of my limitations. What a relief! What a hope!

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