Thursday, July 30, 2009

Auhhhhhhh, Did You Catch That?

Have you ever heard the phrase "More is caught than taught?" The idea is -- what we do speaks so loudly that it is hard to hear what we say with our mouths.
I'm reminded of this today because my dear Annie is being challenged by a serious diagnosis of her mother. Her heart is broken and her schedule is stretched by the demands of being a homeschooling mom and a respectful loving daughter to her mother during this scary time.
So, here is "The Deal"....

"Honor your mother and father that it may go well with you and your days may be long on earth. This is the first of the ten commandments with a promise"

When God makes a promise we can take it to the bank in spite of what Goldman Sachs stock is doing.
Annie's children are going to observe her. They are going to catch on to what honoring their parents in the midst of a busy hectic life looks like. Someday these kids will be grown and in a similar situation. They won't have a classroom book to reference they will have their memories.
How to order their days and resources will be evident because they will have had the ultimate audio visual aid -- their parents.
In times like these I am more acutely aware of my gratitude for God's instruction book -- the Bible.
No rearranging the furniture when the house is on fire. Just grab the Instruction Manual and go - girl - go!

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